Roger Sanchez: "Everybody gets ripped off"

Here's an interesting quote I read from Magnetic Mag's feature on Roger Sanchez explaining the importance of controlling your own destiny by having your own label:

“One of the things that I realized from a business stand point is very early on in my career, you know, everybody gets ripped off. I’ve had horror stories of managers and labels and so on and so forth I wanted to create my own entity where I can control my music, control my own destiny,” Sanchez explains. “I’m working on a project called, an album called Roots, it features a track I’ve just put out called ‘Troubleman.’ For me, it’s about going back into my underground roots, everything from deep house to a little bit of tribal. Modernizing it.”​

Read the rest of the article here. ​

What to do this weekend (March 1st-3rd)

Here are all of the weekend events posted for this upcoming weekend across Canada:​ (Click for full listing)

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