The Yousaf sisters (Krewella) claim that Kris Trindl was "Pretending to DJ"

As reported by Dancing Astronaut: 

"Richard Busch, attorney for the Yousaf sisters, has called the lawsuit baseless and believes that the information they have filed with indemnify the sister’s of any wrongdoing.  The countclaim states that during performances Trindl would just generally stand to the side of Jahan and Yasmine while “pretending to DJ” alleging that he was on stage “purely for the sake of image.” The papers also claim that Trindl did very little production on many of the Krewella tracks and that his alcoholism lead the group to hire outside producers to help Kris finish the album."

For the full story, click here to read the original article over at The Hollywood Reporter

Kris Trindl forms new group called Hunter Square

Kris Trindl, the former member of Krewella (Or is it current? It's confusing), has formed a new group called Hunter Square with Mat Devine and Kill Hannah. They already have a brand new single ready and it's called "Wrongchilde" featuring Gerard Way, check it out: 

If you're wondering whether this track is a signal to expect a softer approach to Kris's production style, fear not, because he just tweeted to expect harder tracks in the very near future: 

(VIA Thump)


Here's a preview of a drum and bass banger Kris has been working on: 

Things get messy with Krewella as Kris Trindl (Rain Man) sues the Yousaf sisters

Source: Rukes

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter

"...Kris Trindl, a founding member, is suing sisters Jahan Yousaf and Yasmine Yousaf for at least $5 million for kicking him out of the group and for allegedly violating an oath that dates back to the time when the three had "6-8-10" tattooed onto their bodies."

Later on in the article: 

"At this time, Udell, the Yousaf sisters and others conspired to remove Kris from the group altogether," says the lawsuit. "Now that the band was successful, they figured they could always hire outside people to write and produce music for far less money than it would cost to continue splitting their income equally with Kris, as they have done (one-third to each member)."

To get more, please read the entire article by clicking here

Meanwhile Deadmau5 had this to say about the whole issue on Twitter: 

Last year I managed to interview Rain Man on his specific role in Krewella. This interview may have happened a year ago, but judging by this news, I suspect that this interview will be of interest: (To read the entire interview, click here)

1. What's your role in Krewella?
Rain Man: My role in Krewella is to basically do the brunt of the production work as far as all of the programming, engineering, recording, stuff like that. And then the other thing I do, or try as much as I can, is listen to the songs that the girls have written and maybe do some really small tweaks on melody. So most of it is recording, engineering vocals, and doing all of the tracks.
2. When you guys create a track in a studio – do the vocals come first or do the beats/melodies do, or both? What's the creative process like for Krewella and the making of your album “Get Wet”?
I always keep my studio in my room, or wherever I am living, and so the girls will come over and I'll ask what they have written, and they'll send me songs. Sometimes we'll record songs they have written and then I'll have a crap load of acapellas on my computer. So I'll just surf through those and if I'm feeling inspired by one I'll just go and start a new track around it. Others times I'll just be sitting around and make a beat or sound that is inspiring, then I'll send it to the girls and they'll write to that. So basically it goes both ways. “Alive”, for example, came with the vocals first.
The way we create tracks is really between vocals first or having the beat first. Sometimes I'll write a sick beat and we'll try to write to it but sometimes we don't get what we want. Or vice versa, where the girls have this sick acapella and I just try and try to match a beat to it. Like with “Live For The Night”, we had to do 4 or 5 different beats to it before it was right. And in my opinion, it's still not really right.