Daft Punk's DJ booth setup at the Grammys was real

Photo from Jim Logiudice's Tumblr Page

Credit goes to DJ Tech Tools for finding out that Daft Punk's elaborate DJ booth set up at the Grammys performance last night wasn't just stagecraft. The equipment used was very real, as explained by DJ Tech Tools:

"Look closely at the knob layout – Daft Punk is up to their old tricks, building in what appear to be 14 Behringer BCR-2000s (a nearly 8-year-old product now) into their set."

This is pretty fantastic if you ask me. But why build such a massive undertaking for just one performance? The rumours of an impending Daft Punk tour are rife on the Internet and after seeing this custom DJ set up one can only surmise that it would make a lot of sense if Daft Punk took this rig on tour. We'll have to just wait and see.

To see more photos of the making of Daft Punk's setup, click here.

(Source: Jim Logiudice Tumblr, DJ Tech Tools, VIA YourEDM)