Read this story about Markus Schulz wild EDC experience

I highly recommend this article from Las Vegas Weekly written by a reporter who was taken behind the scenes to follow Markus Schulz during EDC. It's a great read because the reporter was in the right place at the right time being able to detail to the reader of what occured when a strong wind storm effectively shut down EDC in the middle of Markus' set.

The interesting part comes later when Markus and the reporter are huddled in Armin's ASOT trailer still broadcasting in a live stream to the world when an event organizer asked Markus if he would like to finish off his set in a small alternative stage set up for the die hard fans who refused to leave despite the weather. The result was epic:

Schulz rocks the boat and the crowd. The monitors, chandelier, sail and anything else that can possibly move are swaying - both from the wind and his dancing around to his own selections. It's after 4 a.m. at this point, and we should have been long gone and home on the Strip by now.

What a class act. There is a perfect example of why Markus Schulz is one of the best in the business.

(Source: Las Vegas Weekly)