Deadmau5 goes solo

It has been reported by Billboard that Deadmau5 has left his major label to go indie with a new partnership with Kobalt, an "upstart independent music publishing and music-rights platform"

Here are a few key quotes from the article

“The label does what’s good for the label. Always,” says Deadmau5, aka Joel Zimmerman, who has sold 1.2 million albums and 4.2 million tracks in the United States, according to Nielsen Music. “It’s instilled in the industry that that’s the only way to do it. Well, not anymore.”

“I've got $130 million in the bank and a whiteboard full of cool ideas for emerging markets and technologies where we're gonna test the waters and see what happens,” he says. “And that's how you become the first — not by using the old traditional broken-ass model."

Read the full article over at Billboard.