Deadmau5 talks to Rolling Stone - has some strong words for David Guetta, Skrillex, and Madonna

Deadmau5 has made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and had a lot to say regarding the state of EDM.

Zimmerman slams EDM stars who show up to a live gig and press play. "David Guetta has two iPods and a mixer and he just plays tracks - like, 'Here's one with Akon, check it out!', " he says, "Even Skrillex [a friend of Zimmerman's] isn't doing anything too technical.

First deadmau5 wears Skrillex' mobile number on his t-shirt to the Grammys and now this. Since Skrillex has fully established his own OWSLA label are these two really friends right now? There's plenty of people that have been accused of just pressing play in live gigs, why did he choose Skrillex?

(Source: Rolling Stone)